Monday, August 2, 2010

Familiar With Poverty? I was!

I was sitting in church last Saturday, and the Lord began to speak to me about my finances. He told me to claim and hold on to what He has promised and given me.

He said "Don't be so quick to be broke. You have become familiar with the spirit of lack and don't know what the spirit of plenty feels like. Introduce yourself to Me in this area and walk in it. Walk upright in Me. I've called you to be a Blessing."

This has caused me to change my lifestyle in spending. I am unfamiliarizing myself with low bank account balances and familiarizing myself with accounts that can bless His people as He sees fit!


Bishop Tudor Bismark

This blessed my socks, my sandals off!
Quotes written by Bishop Tudor Bismark in "The Anointing of a Thousand Times More":
"We need to understand that sometimes our perception is a result of the enemy's deception."

"We need to know that what looks like dirt or desert is the abundant oil wells of our future! If you are in a dry and barren city, just wait on Him...there is water flowing under your feet!!!"

"As with the widow's oil, the anointing will infuse what we have, our abilities, our gifts, our talents, and our finances and turn them into a lifetime of provision."
